Healthy hair starts at the SCALP, not the ends! The key ingredients in hair bomb helps to nourish, exfoliate, hydrate and increase blood circulation - all resulting in a strong and healthy scalp, which will then result in healthy hair growth. Simply add anywhere from 1-3 droppers full (depending on hair type) to your shampoo in the palm of your hand, massage into the scalp making sure to get a good lather, and let sit for a few mins while you do all your other "shower stuff". Rinse and style like usual. See chart below in suggested drops based on hair type:
Thin and/or Oily Hair = start with just half dropper full at first, and then go up to 1 dropper full if your hair does not get greasy.
Thick and/or Dry Hair = can go up to 1-2 droppers FULL depending on thickness and dryness
*to ensure no excess oil is left, a 2nd shampoo can be done without using the hair bomb*
DID YOU KNOW? Not washing off your conditioner nourishes and moisturizes your hair like crazy? Give it a try. Squeeze hair from extra moisture after shampooing and massage in a good amount of conditioner from mid-hair to the ends (avoid the roots and scalp). Don't wash conditioner off and style like normal. Leaving in the conditioner will transform your hair, especially if you have dry and/or damaged hair.
Ingredients (1 oz glass bottle with glass dropper): Organic cold pressed fractionated coconut oil, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree & ylang ylang pure grade essential oils.
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